Chelsea Fenn

Chelsea grew up in St. Augustine, Florida and currently resides in Houston, Texas, where her roles as a geologist and RYT 500 certified yoga teacher expand her curiosity for the places well beyond those in which she’s lived.

Spending a majority of her youth a stone’s throw away from the beach, she spent many days in the ocean and admiring the processes of the earth. In college, Chelsea studied geology and discovered wild, new places very unlike the ocean. The painted mesas of New Mexico. The expansive deserts of Utah and Arizona. The remnants of ancient  mountain ranges in Colorado. These places only fueled her thirst for more adventure.

After moving from Florida to Colorado and then Texas, Chelsea found that there are communities everywhere that share her passion for all types of adventure and travel, which has allowed her to travel more in recent years than she ever thought possible. She trekked through the Peruvian Andes, explored volcanoes in the Bolivian salt flats, surfed in Panama with Live Alive Adventures, discovered exceptional wine in Italy, got engaged in the Dolomites, studied the rocky cliffs of Ireland, and snowboarded in the backcountry of British Columbia.

Chelsea believes that the consistent practice of yoga and the willingness to seek adventure is nourishment for the soul. She sees these two essential pieces as life-long practices that maintain a happy, bold, and extraordinary life.